Retail Makeover

Target Grand Opening in Canada

Posted by admin on March 07, 2013 0 Comments

After years of speculation and anticipation, Independent Retailers  can  take a  sigh of relief.  According to reports broad cast on  CBC radio on March 5.2013  consumers leaving Target  after shopping the mega retail giant were less then satisfied." Although the store was lovely, clean and bright, the shopping experience was not the U.S. experience that cross boarder shoppers are familiar with". In the Canadian Target  stores, " selection was not there and the pricing Target in Canadadisappointing,  because as consumers  we were looking for  the big deals from Target".  In conclusion , the consumer being interviewed  said with a chuckle :  there is always Walmart.

So it's back to what Independent  Retailers   know for certain : there  is room in the retail market place landscape for  many different size retailers .
What I know for sure is that :



Independent Retailers




Short list of what matters to consumers and why they shop at Independent  Retailers :

  • Better service
  • Direct contact with the owner
  • Knowledgeable  staff
  • Unique merchandize
  • No waiting at the register
  • Familiar faces: they know my name
  • Store design,  smaller more intimate, and friendly



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