Retail Makeover

Fenelon Falls Business Retention & Expansion

Posted by admin on June 18, 2013 0 Comments

Downtown Revitalization Team hosts Retail Makeover event with Barbara Crowhurst

Businesses in Fenelon Falls, Ontario, Canada, recently had the chance to learn from one of North America’s best retail coaches. Barbara Crowhurst, CEO of Retail Makeover, lead a one day Retail Boot Camp as part of local Business Retention + Expansion (BR+E) efforts.

A project of the City of Kawartha Lakes Economic Development department, the BR+E was initiated to restore the vibrancy in Fenelon Falls, attract new businesses, and expand current ones. The community is full of enthusiastic business owners and residents who are working hard to revitalize their local area. The project promotes job growth by helping the businesses learn about the opportunities and issues they face, and sets priorities that will help meet their needs.

Downtown Revitalization, one of five strategic teams working on the BR+E project, hosted Retail Boot Camp. The day-long boot camp was a perfect fit for the team’s first event. Retailers from Fenelon Falls and the surrounding area attended to learn how to increase profitability using marketing and promotional tactics designed to work in their businesses.

Kimberly Callaghan
Community Revitalization Coordinator,
Economic Development
City of Kawartha Lakes
705-324-9411, extension 1270

[caption id="attachment_4070" align="aligncenter" width="384"]Janet and Barbara Barbara Crowhurst CEO Retailmakeover, speaking to an Independent Retailer at a break during a Retail Makeover Bootcamp Workshop in Fenelon Falls, Ontario[/caption]

Retail Makeover Boot Camp Testimonials

“WOW! What a truly amazing experience!  I was very fortunate to have a private retail makeover session with Barbara Crowhurst, and what an incredible difference it has made to my business!  She gave me tools and knowledge to take my small business to the next level. It's brilliant to have a professional come into your shop to identify where you need to make small changes. I took Barbara's advice and the changes that I have implemented have proven to be a huge success. Thanks Barbara!”

The Butterfly Boutique
Fenelon Falls, Canada

“If you own a business, Barbara Crowhurst is a ‘must see’! Whether you’ve been in retail for 50 years or 50 days, Barbara will teach you things you didn’t even know you needed to know. Armed with extensive retail knowledge, she tells it like it is. Her ideas are easily implemented and her experience is invaluable. I’ve attended two presentations and have learned very useful tips to help me run my business. It’s even nice to hear her suggest something that you’re already doing. It is like a pat on the back that we, in retail, usually don’t give ourselves.”

Janet Slater
Janet’s Home Accents
Fenelon Falls, Canada

“The Barbara Crowhurst session on retail fundamentals was informative and interesting. Barbara had lots of great tips to improve the look of our business at reasonable costs. Having her input gave us the reinforcement to proceed with some changes, and we’re very happy with the results.

Joe and Pam Willems
Stokes on Trent
Fenelon Falls, Canada

“If there is any way you can attend a Barbara Crowhurst session and bring your key employees with you, you really should! Barbara is head and shoulders better than anyone I have ever listened to. Everything she had to say was very important to my business. By the way, I’m planning on hiring Barbara for personal coaching in our new store, and it will be well worth the cost!”

Trish Dougherty
The Kawartha Store
Fenelon Falls, Canada


Thank you Fenelon Falls it was a pleasure to work with you.



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