Retail Makeover

Casual Living Conference

Posted by retailmakeover on January 17, 2013 0 Comments

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Set your course and direction now for "Outer Spaces"—the theme of Casual Living's second annual casual conference—where you will explore the ever-expanding universe for the outdoor room. Come with us on this compelling voyage to seek out future opportunities in the casual industry, unearth the new-age connected consumers and their shopping habits, learn how to ignite the attention of different demographics, and discover the latest technologies and trends to boost your business. Our crew includes experts who will share their views and stellar strategies so you, too, can soar to new heights. Last year's event filled up quickly so don't wait too long. Reserve now and join us on this journey to examine casual's skyrocketing ride at retail.


[caption id="attachment_3757" align="aligncenter" width="510"]Barbara Crowhurst speaking at the casual Living Conference Barbara Crowhurst speaking at the casual Living Conference[/caption]

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