Day #147 - Low-Cost Perks That Will Motivate Your Staff
Posted by retailmakeover on August 02, 2012 0 Comments
In order to provide the "above and beyond" type of customer service a retail store should deliver to be successful, it must begin by creating happy employees. Retailers that develop long-term incentives, perks, and rewards for its staff often see benefits like less employee turn-over and better customer service. A combination which can lead to an increase in sales.
What perks can a brick and mortar retailer offer employees? Here are some low-cost perk ideas for any retailer, large or small:
1. Discounts on Merchandise: This perk may be the easiest for a retailer to establish. Offer workers a small percentage off on any product you sell.
2. Company Parties: Holidays, inventory, or exceeding sales goals are all good times to throw a party. Plan the party away from the store or host a small gathering in the break room.
3. Personal Time: Show your generosity by allowing parents off work when school is out for teacher in-service or other holidays. Personal days off shouldn't be confused with vacation time.
4. Event Tickets: Businesses often receive promotions on discounted on shows, sporting events and even movie tickets. Give these event tickets to your staff as rewards or incentives for meeting sales goals.
5. Free Food: Who doesn't like to eat? This favorite low-cost perk can be as simple as bringing in donuts, or bagels, a few times each month. Some retailers even buy lunch every Friday for scheduled staff.
6. Time Off for Charity: Providing time off for staff to participate in charity events not only shows goodwill towards workers, but it also helps build community involvement.
7. Random Acts of Kindness: Not all perks need to be planned. A simple recognition of a job well-done can go far in improving employee morale.
Give Them What They Really Want
As you create benefits and perks for your staff, be sure they are relevant and appropriate for your staff. You may feel you're being generous when you buy pizza for employees staying late the night before inventory, but they may not see it that way. An extra day off or allowing the worker to come in later one day may be a better offering of goodwill instead.
The best way to know what your staff would prefer is to simply ask them. Make a point during the next store meeting to take ideas and suggestions for perks they would like to receive. You may be surprised to learn it is some simple perk you can easily implement in your retail shop.
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