Retail Makeover

Day #117 - How To Create a Killer e-Mail Database

Posted by retailmakeover on March 20, 2012 0 Comments

Loved this article; had to share it with you:

An accurate and expanding email contact list is vital to the success of your e-newsletter (and an e-newsletter is vital to your success). The following tips on building your database were gathered from professional e-marketers and savvy retailers.

  1. Tell customers about the exclusive information and sales in your e-newsletter. They're your customers – they'll be interested.
  2. Encourage your employees to invite customers to sign up.
  3. Have a guestbook at the entrance or cash? Use it to invite subscriptions.
  4. If you don't already have a loyalty club, consider starting one – even if the only thing members receive is an e-newsletter to begin with. Then, hold a members-only event and invite each member to bring a guest.
  5. Offer customers the chance to win discounts or a gift card if they sign up.
  6. Put your web address on all your ads, flyers, and even postcards at the front desk. Busy customers can visit your site and sign up for your e-newsletter when they're not as rushed.
  7. Every page of your website should have a “sign up for our e-newsletter” button.
  8. Include a “forward to a friend” button on every e-newsletter. (Most emailing lists are built this way.)
  9. Let subscribers know you'll never share their contact information. And never purchase an email list – it will be at best irrelevant and, at worst, illegally collected.

Info Adapted from the Crafting Compelling E-newsletters article published in the January/February 2011 edition of Retail News.



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