Day #113 - Be A Better Manager
Posted by retailmakeover on March 05, 2012 0 Comments
Be A Better Manager
Your business depends on it.
Loved this information and wanted to share it with you:
" anyone can be a good manager. It is as much a trainable skill as it is inherent ability; as much science as art. Here are some things that make you a better manager:
As a person:
- You have confidence in yourself and your abilities
- You are happy with who you are, but you are still learning and getting better
- You are something of an extrovert. You don’t have to be the life of the party, but you can’t be a wallflower. Management is a people skill - it’s not the job for someone who doesn’t enjoy people.
- You are honest and straight forward. Your success depends heavily on the trust of others.
- You are an includer not an excluder. You bring others into what you do. You don’t exclude other because they lack certain attributes.
- You have a ‘presence’. Managers must lead. Effective leaders have a quality about them that makes people notice when they enter a room.
On the job:
- You are consistent, but not rigid; dependable, but can change your mind. You make decisions, but easily accept input from others.
- You think out-of-the box. You try new things and if they fail, you admit the mistake, but don’t apologize for having tried.
- You are not afraid to “do the math”. You make plans and schedules and work toward them.
- You are nimble and can change plans quickly, but you are not flighty.
- You see information as a tool to be used, not as power to be hoarded.
Take a look at yourself against this list. Find the places where you can improve and then get going.
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