Retail Makeover

Day #15 - The Customer Experience

Posted by retailmakeover on June 14, 2011 0 Comments

If you are looking for ways to differentiate yourself from your competition, keep reading.

You build your business 1  client at a time, 1  interaction at a time, and 1  sale at a time;  it's the 1:1:1 rule. It’s no secret that the customer experience is responsible for Apple outperforming many other retailers in, and out of category.

I recently visited  an Apple store where I bought my new IPAD2; here are the several things that stood out for me in the customer experience department:

  1. Greet your customers when they walk in the door.  It's  simple,  not rocket science and goes a long way to make people feel at ease and welcome."Apples Yorkdale Store"
  2. Train your staff to deliver best customer service.  You set the bar, and then train your staff to take ownership and deliver the customer experience. (Visit Barb's Sales Training Classes)
  3. Go the extra mile; keep in touch with your customers, develop that relationship, and bring them closer to you. Invite your customer to be part of your monthly newsletter.  Share you expertise, your product knowledge, and promotional activity.
  4. No misunderstanding about roles; the retailer services and sells products, consumers come into a retail location open to buy.

Have a look at the Apple Store, Covent Garden, be impressed.


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