365 Day Retail Makeover
Posted by retailmakeover on May 24, 2011 0 Comments
This Retail Makeover To Do List is a 365 day countdown to a comprehensive retail business strategy that will have you turning your business around in a year.
Launched May , 2011 and will be updated daily.
Day #1 - Stop Procrastinating
Early this year I received this information on procrastination from my friends at Simple Truths. I took this idea to heart this year like never before. Open this link and listen to the message. Over the next 364 days I need you to be open and focused as we start your Retail Makeover .
"Procrastination is attitude's natural assassin. There is nothing so fatiguing as an uncompleted task." Simply Truths' Mac Anderson.
Your first step to a Retail Makeover
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